• A Lifetime of Love

    Hello Spring! I hope everyone is doing well and celebrated a wonderful Mother’s Day. Today I want to touch a little bit on the topic of pets, dogs particularly. Pets […]

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  • Crafts & Quarantine

    Crafts & Quarantine

    Welcome to Journei Beyond! Hello and welcome to Journei Beyond! These past few months have been rather rough for all of us. I know some of us have experienced the […]

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  • Hello Spring!!

    Hello Spring!!

    Hello everyone!! It’s been such a long while, but I am back! Life has been super hectic around our house hold with everyday life. I hope everybody is enjoying this […]

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  • A Perfect Holiday…Mess

    A Perfect Holiday…Mess

    The holidays can be a hectic time of year, especially for those who have children. Buying the list of electronic devices your teenager hands you or trying to figure out […]

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  • A Day to Give Thanks

    A Day to Give Thanks

    Every year we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday as a much anticipated long weekend.  For most people, Thanksgiving is a day of gathering of friends and family around our dinner tables. […]

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